21 - 40 of 47 agencies
- Environment Department
- General Services Department
- Higher Education Department
- Human Services Department
- Human Services Department
- Indian Affairs Department
Judicial Branch
687 forms 1 contacts
The Administrative Office of the Courts exists to enable the courts of New Mexico to accomplish their mission through:
Ensuring that the courts have adequate, equitably distributed resources;
Ensuring that the courts have and use current technology;
Providing a fair and equitable statewide human resources system;
Developing and implementing improved court processes and supporting courts in their use;
Collecting and providing information on and for the courts;
Managing and accounting for the collection of revenue;
Ensuring sound financial, budgeting and procurement practices in the management of court resources;
Providing administrative support for the magistrate courts;
Maintaining liaison with the legislative and executive branches of state government
- Martin Luther King, JR. State Commission
Motor Vehicle Division
90 forms 1 contacts
Mission is the outstanding service to the motoring public- every customer, every transaction, every time.
- New Mexico Army National Guard
- New Mexico Corrections Department (NMCD)
New Mexico District Bankruptcy Court
75 forms 1 contacts
Mission is to provide excellent public service at all times.
New Mexico Federal Public Defender
2 forms
- New Mexico Prob/Pretrial Office
- New Mexico State Investment Council
- New Mexico State Police
New Mexico Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
4 forms
- New Mexico Tourism Department
- Office of African American Affairs
- Office of the Governor